Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Adam's Surgery

God gave Adam Six Toes! Yes, six... It was a surprise to us since all of his ultrasound pictures were of his feet, but the right foot was always covering the left! So, since he was born we new the day would come when the "Little Piggy" would have to go to the market! Last week it was removed. He has been the best baby ever, and hasn't even needed any medication. He still gets around crawling, standing, and walking along the furniture. Glad it's all over, and he'll never remember it!

Ella started 1st grade this year. We are homeschooling, and so far so good. Annalee started Kindergarten. She is so cute in her uniform and new glasses. She is very "quiet" at school, which I am sure will change in time. Everyday we ask her to learn a name of some one in her class. She is getting most of the girls.
In the meantime I am trying to keep Georgia and Adam busy while I do school with Ella. I do have a "helper". A lady from church comes over most days and either plays with the little ones and keeps them busy, or sits with Ella and does school. Her children are all grown and she said she misses it so much. It is a huge blessing to me!


We have had lots of visitors this summer!! Most recently we have been helping Phil's parents find a home here in the area. It was fun having them here. The girls hadn't seen them in so long, and they had never met Adam.
They are now settled closed by in Diamond Springs and we will enjoy having them close whenever they are in the Country!