Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Week 1 Teaching Schedule and Prayer Guide

To let you know a little more for your prayers and how I was suggested to prepare, below is what a brother sent me who has also been very involved there:

Tuesday - God's glory alone - glorifying God in our suffering would be very beneficial. The prosperity gospel is common, as well as people who still practice witchcraft. People may seek healing from the Lord, but then also go to the witchdoctor. People also live in constant fear/discouragement because of Satan, so need to know that even if we are suffering because Satan is attacking, God is sovereign and uses Satan's attacks for our good and His glory. 

Wednesday - Scripture alone - many people place a high emphasis upon modern prophets, and people will not come to a church if there are no prophecies. Also, I asked Pastor Didier why more people do not read, and he said that it is because they are thinking about where they will get food, or they are spending all day trying to get food. Therefore, helping people to think of ways that they can incorporate Scripture into their entire day, as well as reminding them of the value of the Bible and how it takes time to study. 

Thursday - Grace alone through faith alone - something else to consider for the question would be the implications of our being saved by God. It is common for people to think that they must go to an apostle/prophet to be delivered of the demons of various sins, so teaching that we have already been delivered in Christ. Also, 
Faith alone - teaching about the balance between faith/works will be good, because many people say that they are a Christian, and yet continue to practice sin. Pastor Didier said that there are people in the church who are still involved in witchcraft, and that sexual immorality and witchcraft are very widespread. 

Friday - Christ alone - something else for the question would be that Christ is supreme over demons, and will conquer all evil. There are some who say that since Christ is supreme over all evil spirits and God is the Lord of hosts, then this means that we can be involved in witchcraft, for all spirits are from Him. Pastor Didier said that people are so discouraged and need to know the hope that we have in Christ. 

I hope that sheds some more light on how to pray. See below for Layton family history in Congo where witch doctors first began to come to Christ over a 100 years ago. Many more (even professing Christ) still need to be transferred from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of His beloved Son (Colossians 1:13).

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