Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ella Rides a Bike

We were so thankful to have a house where the kids can get outside and learn to ride bikes! I had been wanting to take the training wheels off Ella's bike, but kept forgetting to ask Phil to do it. Well, yesterday he did. After about five minutes of holding on and running behind she had it. Then she soon learned to get it started by herself and brake and turn. Within an hour she was racing up and down the street as fast as her legs could pump. It is so fun to experience something like riding a bike for the first time!


  1. I love it! Who did she almost run over? That is so funny. We can't wait to come and see you all.

    Love ya,

    Cheryl = )

  2. That's a great video! Glad Phil was there to catch her before the colision. :) I'm so excited you're blogging so that I can see lots of pictures of my adorable nieces and nephews. I love you guys and can't wait to see you again.

