Monday, September 12, 2011

Home, Sweet Home

The last few posts have been heavy on words and light on pics, and as I have time I hope to send less words and more pics now that I have high-speed internet. Today won't be a long post as I'm spending long-awaited time with my sweet family but I just wanted to thank everyone for praying, and let everyone know we're all home safe and sound. 55 hours after my plane took off on Friday Congo time, I landed back in Sac and am home sweet home with my sweet family, sweet wife, and sweet kids who have changed and grown since I left. I know I have spiritually.

The Wilmarths had no problems at the airport Saturday and Kara and Brandon both did very well before and during all their flights, probably better than us adults ;) Their total trip was about 40 hours and virtually no meltdowns the whole time; twins slept much and wept little, and were very sweet. The Wilmarths so appreciate everyone's prayers, and our families so appreciate all being back together and all the love we have received. To God be the glory, great things He has done.

1 comment:

  1. We celebrate your homecoming Phil and are soooooo thankful to our Mighty God for what He has done!
    We love you Laytons,
    Linda (for the Cain family) xoxo
    Psalm 139
