Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday in San Francisco

Life with the Laytons today was a day-trip to San Francisco. We needed to drive there to get Jaime's passport processed in time for our trip to Congo. We made it a family outing with my parents and all the kids. After Jaime's new passport was issued we then mailed our VISA applications from there which we pray we will get back asap.   We still managed to get in several hours at the waterfront, seeing the sights, eating fish and chips, watching trains and cranes, 2-story buses, saw the famous Lombard Street to the Golden Gate Bridge (aka The Golden Great Bridge) and the tunnel (Adam was equally thrilled about).  It was the first time kids saw wild seals and trolley cars and other things unique to San Fran. We made a home-school field trip out of it, complete with stories we're not sure they believed about why kids who don't obey their parents end up on Alcatraz.

It was the nicest sunniest warmest day we've experienced in San Francisco (or as one of my girls calls it, "San Cicisco"), and the wonderful day was complete on our way home with a stop for dinner at our kids' favorite "restaurant," Costco! The highlight of the whole day was their grandpa and grandma taking them on the merry-go-round at the end of Pier 39 and then talking dad into taking them on it one more time before we left.

Jaime's highlight was getting to lie down for a little nap on the drive back. Phil's highlight is being done driving after about 7 hours driving today and relaxing with his wife at home with a Monday night movie.

One step closer to our next trip to Congo (actually two)!! We appreciate your prayers Tuesday as the court hearing in Congo may begin that day in Congo, and will conclude with adoption judgment Lord-willing when Jaime and I are both in country.


  1. Praying for God's will regarding every detail.....and for His grace when we don't understand. Thanking God for a most precious Layton family day. God is good all the time and worthy of our trust. Proverbs 3:5-6
    Linda, for the Cains

  2. What a great day God provided for your family as part of this adoption! It is wonderful that all of you could spend time together between your trips to Africa. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us!
    -Trina and family
