Sunday, October 9, 2011

I am Home!!

Mom got back to CA last night.  Unlike dad, all my flights went smoothly, as scheduled, and I even got my bags.  I can't believe all that has happened in one week.  As I sat in church this morning I kept thinking, has it only been one week?  This is all the same, and I am so changed.

In one week I took 10 flights, traveled over 60 hours, met my new son, hugged, played, loved as many sweet little ones as I could, met fellow brothers and sisters that I couldn't communicate with, but had a joint fellowship with.  I met four deaf Congolese in the airport, and we communicated easily in sign language (which was my major at Cal State Northridge). They had many questions about life in America.  I tried to paint a different picture than the only one they'd ever known of wealth and prosperity, but I told them of the greed and immorality. At first they asked if I could help them get to America, but then they decided maybe they would be happy to stay where they are.  One of the ladies told me she would name her next child "Jaime".  I signed more in one hour than I have in five years. Overall, the flights were long, but the days were blessed.  It was a great week! 

Congo is not the scary place I thought it might be.  I loved the people, the vibrant colors, the smiling children.  I loved holding my sweet boy, playing with the children in the orphanage, laughing with Didier (about so many funny things Phil would do).  It was great to meet the judge and Bourgemaster and others who helped aid in our 3 week adoption (yes, only 3 weeks in counrty!)  It was an experience I will always treasure, and I am thankful I can share the details with Matteus, one day. 

Thank you for all your love, prayer and support for me and my family.  My kids were very happy to see me!  Ella said, "I have never missed you before."  I told her it was good that she wanted me to come back! :)

So, as Phil continues the process of adoption in Kinshasa for Matteus, please continue to pray for all the details of that.  I am recovering from jet-lag and getting ready to jump back into the business of life here. But for now, I am ready to take a nap!


  1. welcome home, sweet sister !
    God is soooo good !

    love in Christ,
    G & D

  2. Welcome Home! So glad to hear all went smoothly for you! We are praying for Phil this week as he acquires Matteus' passport. We know God will provide!
    Allan and Wanda

  3. Love you Jaime! We too are so thankful you are home and that God provided in so many ways.

    We will continue to pray for Phil & Matteus as God unfolds His plans.

    Your sister in Christ,
    Psalm 139
