Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Have a Good God, Mate

I only have a few minutes to write from the internet cafe in the Ethiopia airport, but wanted to let you know I made it here with Matteus and Didier. He has done really well the first few hours ... please pray for us on our nearly 18 hour flight to D.C. and then a few hour layover there and several hours to Long Beach, 3 more hour layover and then finally arriving in Sac at 6:00 p.m. Longer story than I can write on this blog now, but I wasn't sure I was going to make it on my plane to get out of DRC ... you might call it as the French say deja vous. In my little faith as the scene unfolded I thought I would not be here right now but God's grace is bigger than my faith. When I finally got on the plane an Australian man who had seen the trouble I went through said "good job, mate." If I had been thinking more quick on my feet, I would have said, "No, I have a good God, mate."


  1. Praise God you are on your way home! As we have witnessed the roads are most assuredly never smooth, but again and again we've seen what utter dependence we have to have in our Great God who can do all things according to His Sovereign will. We will be praying that Matteus & Papa will endure the long flight home! So Thankful that Pastor Didier is with you and that we will have the blessed opportunity to meet him!
    Your family in Christ
    The Blazius's

  2. We join you in Praising our Good God, mate! We're praying for traveling mercies and rest for the 3 of you. God speed! Love, Mom & Dad

  3. Woo, hooo! We do have a great God! Praying for the 18 hour flight and the years ahead!

    so thankful that you are safely on your way back home with matteus. continuing to praise God for answering prayers in His grace.

  5. PRAISE GOD! I can't wait to see a picture of the whole Layton family! We love you Phil and we have been praying for you this whole journey!

  6. Praying for you today Phil, on the last leg of your Congo journey! We miss you around Shingle Springs.....
    Glen and Linda
    Psalm 57:5
    "Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth."
